
By Nanzy19

Deer skull

I decided to meander into the bush that's just a few steps from our house to take some photos of moss. I came across this skull that I'd meant to blip awhile ago. We have deer wandering around our place, and often the little ones don't make it through the winter. We found this little one curled up under a tree a couple of winters ago. Once it had decomposed, we put the skull, jawbone and a few other little bones on a stump to show our granddaughters. It doesn't take the moss long to take over.
Our granddaughters give the "regulars" names every summer. We usually have one or two sets of twins. I love seeing them, although they are considered a pest by many because they can wreak havok on gardens. Our little veggie garden is fenced and everything else is natural, so they don't bother us. I really don't like it when one dies.
You can see more moss photos and others from around our place here if you're interested. Typical west coast forest. These were all taken today.

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