
By Cumbrialass

Sunny Saturday

Still sunny but forecast is for cooler. The walk today was the park. Again, not many people so quite pleasant. I debated taking the camera but M said it was windy and going to be overcast. So, I didnt and if course, there on the post by the lake was a very proud heron! It would have made a good photo but I only had my phone and it was too far away!

We walked towards the bandstand and the trees surrounding it are stunning ! A deep pink prunus. Snapped away with my phone and managed this passable one in between the blustery wind. One more in extra.

We walked to the top end and paused on a seat . A passer by  came over , greeted me by name and began chattering away. ( I wasnt sure who he was! But he obviously knew us by the way he was talking!)  A pleasant enough bloke but disconcerting when you cant place how you know him.

Back home and I mowed the lawn. If rain is forecast it needed doing. I may yet get a wonderful lawn this year! I doubt it.  But .. regularly mowing is the key factor I'm led to believe.

My back is feeling a bit stiff this evening. I'm blaming the cycling on Thursday.
 It did occur to me that we seem  to  have been walking for longer in the last few weeks than we usually did before lockdown. This is partly because the weather has been much better and its a good deal better walking in warm sunny weather than cold windy and wet weather. Also, keeping active is good mentally as well as physically.

I seem to have lost a bit of weight but this is probably due to the fact we have not had our afternoon cake and coffee for the last 5 weeks and very little chocolate. I blame the fact I've only been buying 'essentials'  A few packets of biscuits did fall in to the basket on Thursday so not all bad!  Well Fletch likes gingernuts. I cant deprive him of a few pieces!

As always I hope everyone is well. It's good to read everyone's blips. Thamk you for the comments and stars x

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