Coffee al fresco

We haven't had breakfast outside so far this year, but I did sit out with my second cup of coffee!

Lottie sat on my knee and we listened to the birds and watched them on the bird table. 

Although it's been another sunny day, I had a more gentle time of it today. I think I overdid it yesterday. Leg, hip, back very painful to the extent that I couldn't get comfortable at all. In the end I rang the surgery and got a phone consultation with the doctor. She's given me anti-inflammatories and is chasing up the referral to the orthopedic bods. A trapped nerve is the probable culprit. 

By 5pm the haar was rolling in across the bay. I saw some terrific photos of the glorious sunset, I couldn't believe they were taken just a few miles further west than us!

PS the extra is of the finds, which I forgot to add yesterday! 

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