My first surprise if the day was not a welcome one at 7:30 AM...35 mins to get into Tesco!!! By the time I had done my shop...which included lots of retracing my steps up the one way system and delivered a gift. I returned home 2 hours later!!!
still I do understand all the restrictions and I think I was just unlucky when I went down
My nice surprise was these beautiful flowers sent to The Rev and I (I’ll let O look at them too) from Mum. Thank you.
The Rev had a nice surprise today as one of the staff left him flowers on his desk with a beautiful card. The message inside was extremely kind and generous and just what he needed as he day just got worst today and we had tears tonight. Not even Covid related but baby stuff. Gosh his job is sometimes relentless but another priest has kindly offered to cover this weekend so I think we will drive out (a short distance) for a walk to give his brain a rest.
Praying today he has calmer thoughts.

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