Floral Friday ...
The tulip makes another appearance, this time with a bit of Picasa tweaking.
A full day on the allotment, sunshine, birdsong & tranquility ... I am so lucky to have the plot to escape to. All my bags of horse poo are now either on empty beds awaiting plants or mulching fruit bushes, so I will have to make another trip to the stables. The freshly planted broad beans now have canes and string supports in place, a tad fiddly but worth the time spent. All beds weeded, watered liberally, potatoes banked up as the leaves are just beginning to show. 6 dwarf bean plants in, planted 2' apart. That's what is recommended, seems a lot of space taken up for 6 plants ... I had an idea for growing the Uchiki Kuri squash up over some heavy duty wire fencing. I erected a framework in a square raised bed, struggled nay wrestled with the wire fencing only to find it was too short. Plan B is still on the drawing board. I evicted a wasp who had taken up residence on the roof in one of my sheds, a beautiful piece of craftsmanship but sadly not suitable for a shed that I'm using all the time. The gladioli are just showing. Will there be a produce show this year ... probably not. There's always next year.
I have loads of nasturtium seed, plenty of empty 9cm pots, so potted up 24 pots. Not sure what I'll do with them, perhaps put them on a table outside for sale (proceeds to NHS) with an honesty box. If they're a success I'm sure I could find some more plants to sell.
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting Flower Friday
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