
Zebra spider - 6mm and can jump 10cms! What a clever little chap. Zebra because he has black and white stripes on his back. 

Hugely busy in the garden today. We are making these spur of the moment decisions to do mammoth jobs we'd never even thought of before and it feels great. 

My 8th day recording my bike rides and my speed has increased from yesterday by 0.1. Don't knock it; it meant a good deal to me this morning. 

Critter cam last night was a slight shock for Hubs as in the distance we had at least 2 foxes in the field around the chicken area. Moved the camera just now to see what's what out there in the dead of night tonight. 

Parents are all good though the hiccup yesterday was Dad had been sitting in his car which he frets about. Now, not so bad in itself as he can barely walk at all but more scary is that he could have gone out in it! The carers have locked away the keys just to be on the safe side. I feel bad for him but can't abide the thought he might have the urge to drive it - even without the corona virus at large!

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