Hearts of Passion

Last year when life was more normal and l went to ballet class twice a week , one of the things l loved to do afterwards was to visit the outdoor market in Leeds.
It was so handy for picking up amazing bargains of fruit and veg that needed using that day.
One visit resulting in my buying a box of passion fruits for the princely sum of £1.
When l go home l counted 30 fruits!
So for the next couple of days we had it on granola and Greek yogurt or as a dressing  ( mixed with olive oil, honey and lemon juice) on a blue cheese and spinach salad.
The rest l froze into ice cube trays, half a fruit in each section.
Got a couple out today to defrost so l can drizzle some  on vanilla ice cream this evening.
While l enjoy my garden and photographing all that grows in it l wanted a change today.
And as l always say, you can blip anything that comes to hand, so l did.
Once again it includes my well used chopping board.
Got to take what you can get in lockdown.
I must mention that l have just cut the first spear of asparagus that l have grown myself, only waited seven years for this, can see there is more to come too.
So we have just shared it between us on top of the eggs we had for lunch.
Had to record it with a photograph because l had given up all hope of ever growing some and to prove to Mr P that l had grown it :-)
Mr P is very quiet but comfortable.

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