
By Cumbrialass

Omega man?

Up earlier than usual.. woken by the Green Waste lorry rushing straight past our house! After posting that theyd suspended the green waste collections they had announced they were doing it again.. but of course we didnt see the announcement so  our brown bin wasnt out.  Needless to say it is full. I hope they come again in 2 weeks.

Fletch decided he was hungry so I was up.. and then wondering what to do for the rest of the day.
I've never been one for bouncing with energy first thing and in these locked in days it seems harder to get motivated. 

It was  cooler and overcast so we decided on a longer walk up to the fields.  Needless to say as we reached the fields the sun  was out and it was a great deal warmer . We took our time , strolling from one shady spot to the next, with my jacket round my waist.

Back home I'd a text to say the Jeans I'd ordered from M& S had arrived. In a mad energetic moment I decided to get out the bicycle rather than drive. I've not ridden it for a couple of years but once learnt never forgotten.  What I had forgotten was it hurts my knees. After 10 minutes of ouch oh ouch I realised that it would be easier if I changed the gears! 

The town centre was almost deserted. M& S have rearranged the clothing department  so there is one way traffic, but you can still clothes shop.. if you wish. The food dept was well stocked and I got as much as I could fit into the backpack.! They were due to close completely at the beginning of May. ( originally it was last September). relocating 10 miles from here, but because of The Situation that move has been postponed . Once more theres a reprieve. 

M&S seemed to be the only place open , although Thursday was closing day for many shops  so maybe a few more will be open other days. As it is, it was quite eery passing all the closed up shops alongside the shops that had already been closed before the Lockdown. It reminded me of the film with Charlton Heston, The Omega Man .. left alone in an empty city.. except in his case there were some very unpleasant mutant people who appeared when it got dark! So perhaps today.. not as  bad! 

I came back a different route, mainly downhill so quite a pleasant ride.

I was the only one in our street to went out to clap tonight. No lights on in the houses across the road.. wonder where everyone was? As always, grateful thanks to all those who are out working their socks off to help the rest of us

Blips show this morning and this afternoon

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