My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Before they disappeared

Yesterday’s cakes, before we either ate them or gave them away... there are two left for tomorrow.

L and I walked over to my parents’ to drop a few bits round (and some especially chosen cakes). We went through the back gate and sat at a distance in the garden - it felt a little more normal than sitting on the driveway.

We had a little heartbreaking moment when L ran over to give my dad a cuddle... we all cried, “noooo, you can’t” and L burst into floods of tears. She rushed back to me and we had a big cuddle - with both me and my mum welling up too. It’s so hard for little ones to understand what’s going on in the world.

Later, on the walk home we spotted some houses displaying the flag of St. George today. We had a chat about St. George and the Dragon. Over the course of the conversation L said something along the lines of the disease is the dragon and St. George is the Knight fighting it with his sword. She’s a smart little cookie.

We treated ourselves to an ice lolly on the way home. Well deserved.

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