Another fine day

We decided to go to the other side of the valley in the morning, for just over 7 miles. It was glorious - curlews, larks and black grouse were abundant, and we met only 2 people.

The top picture is Mr C in an Iron Age Fort, of which there are many in this region. On the right is Sharpe’s Folly and just to the top right, our house.

Our local councillor tells us that last night a group came up from the SE of the county and set up a camp which they subsequently set fire to. Their car was traced and the police informed.

The CMO admitted last night that we’d be in some kind of isolation for at least a year, till a vaccine is found and manufactured. The UK govt refuses to discuss or explain any future plans (PM is still recovering and no doubt waiting for D Cummings to return to tell him what to do) but today Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she would be treating people as grown-ups who had a right to know her plans.

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