Punky Pounce!

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

We are so rubbish with the photos. Still, for a bit a change you are getting an action shot of Punky in mid-pounce. I'll post the pre-pounce shot in the extras. 

What you cannot see is me on the floor, wiggling a stick under the rug. Punky loves the "Things That Are Under Other Things" game. 

When you wiggle a stick under a rug, Punky goes NUTS, he has to LEAP on it, then kick the shit out of the rug until he freaks himself out then runs off with a big fat tail.

And then the game begins again.

That is all of my news for today. I felt under the weather all day. The pharamacy lady said this might happen as a mild reaction to the jag. So I spent most of today either under a duvet or turning Punky into a blur.


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