My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Right of way?

I woke up feeling terrible with a pounding headache, nausea, dizziness and my ears feeling blocked. I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower, where I stayed for half an hour before getting dressed and taking some paracetamol. I had an hour on the sofa waiting for it to kick in before finally accepting I wouldn't manage the drive to work. Once I'd phoned the boss to let him know, I fell asleep again -fitfully- until 11 o'clock.
I took myself downstairs to start my intravenous coffee drip up and settle myself under a blanket with a film.

By 3 o'clock I was feeling a bit more with it and it looked lovely outside so I went for a quiet walk to get some fresh air and hopefully some energy. Shrewsbury School has a public right of way going through it that I use occasionally although when I got there today I found this sign basically telling me not to touch anything on my walk.

As the day's worn on I've thought more and more about whether I should be swabbed for coronavirus. My symptoms aren't the classic persistent cough and fever and I don't think it is covid-19 but I don't want to risk spreading it. If it was one of my team I'd be pushing to get them checked. I'm not in work tomorrow anyway so I've left it with the boss.

Louisa's lockdown playlist:
Into My Arms - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

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