Live From Alaska

I love to see those pictures from Alaska, the ones with 8-10 eagles perched on a single tree. SOOOO...when I saw a single eagle on a branch, I just had to do something...something to make it look like Alaska.

I waited 25-30 minutes for the eagle to fly, so I got many shots of the bird glancing this way and that. Then, with the help of Mr. Photoshop, VOILA...a quintet of eagle.

Was I excited to see the male eagle AND his mate sitting nearby on a nest? Yes and no. While it's always exciting to see eagles, I don't think the 3-4 blue heron families that usually nest here...probably won't.

Would you pick a place...
your eggs to lay...
oh so close...
to a bird of prey?

While I always like...
to get my eagle dose.
Take my advice...

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