Day 36

Today is my daughters 49th birthday. How did that happen . I am only young (once).
Another beautiful day on the ranch .I woke  up this morning with a pain and telephoned the doctor who issued antibiotics and a urine sample. My glucose levels have been very high now for a couple of days . It was very unreal  in the pharmacy . 1 person allowed in at a time and they were all wearing PPE complete with visors. Like something out of a space odyssey. it was good to see though. Had a nice walk this morning.  More box removed as well. Only about another 10 - 15 foot to go then it’s all done. The brown bin was crawling with caterpillars this morning as the hatched overnight .
This is my view from my chair at the moment. Computer set up for tonight’s Zoom meeting with the  garden in the background . Lovely clear skies at the moment so hoping to see the Starlink  satellites at  9:34 tonight .

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