In The 'Wood

By Fayzeeday

The New Garden Gnome?

Just ran in from the opera, Doctor Atomic at the ENO, well wowed!
This is not a great blip I think, more an opinionated rant, but had to post it anyway because I don't really understand the appeal. In the garden center you occasionally come across these shiny hippie fascinators, a relic of the old head shops for the now un-stoned retirees (suffering flash backs?). I think the idea is that this bundle of convex and concave mirrors and glass balls reflect, ad nauseam, your environment. I suppose in some glorious garden the occupant might find this charming, all that green and dappled sunlight, all that hard work multiplied effortlessly, the trouble is before one could get transported by the effect one would have to look at the hideousness of the transporter itself with made in China writ big. The only good use I can find for it is photography and even that's debatable. Open to enlightenment.
In haste before the Blipfoto carriage changes back to a pumpkin, Fay

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