Three, it's the magic number

This morning, whilst Gorgeous returned to tidying out the garage, I went and did the horses. Jeepers had a long reining session and a few poles. Then some body work and trigger point therapy. 

Dogs walked at Wasdale where Talisker wallowed in the Loch. Lots.

Back to the horses this afternoon. I'd taken delivery of a bitless bridle this morning (absolute ebay bargain) as Bessie really doesn't need a bit. Thankfully it fits perfect and I hopped on bareback for a quick wander to their summer field to check the grass growth. Not wanting George to feel left out, I gave him a lunge. I'm not a fan of lunging but it was a good 15 minute workout for him.

Back home and reunited with Gorgeous, time for showers and dinner and yet another evening at home for me. Love it. 

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