still tired and anxious. I arranged for beefy to come and drop some clean clothes and things off and one of the lovely nurses, fiona went down to the door to do the hand over. beefy then drove round to the a&e car park to wave at me which was lovely even though he couldn’t see me. all so upsetting too. not helped by the fact that drinking lots of water was the worst thing I could be doing. glad I spoke to my actual consultant who was so positive and reassuring and knows what I need to be doing to get better. made me feel so much better, and I’m on different meds now. beefy’s care package was ace - loads of snacks and some mental coaching in a note. mental blip hopefully on its way out. lovely betty went home today - I’ll miss her, and she was waving like the queen as she was wheeled away home, hilarious!

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