Blue blue my eyes are blue

There's so many songs with blue in them! Another fine day in the shire.
Somebody remind me that chucking buckets of water at the windows is not the best way to clean them! However my water blaster gun worked, though I don't know what my neighbours were thinking!
Trying to keep my dog walks short as Pene seems to have developed a sort of hobble or gait. It could be the onset of arthritis of rheumatism  . I phoned the vet but she just said cut her walks for the time being and see if that helps, I did make up Golden paste for both her and Donald so here's hoping it works, GP is meant to be good for a variety of things from lowering blood pressure to anti inflamitory and other stuff. I can't take it as its disgusting plus I already take BP lowering meds so wouldn't be wise to take more or I would be on the deck. Anyhow I hope it works for Pene dog.
I hope you are all surviving the virus and the fact that this leaderless country  is now drifting hopelessly towards the rocks! Wonder when that oaf Boris will surface!. Did you see the English Chief MHO stand up and say the UK was the "exemplar of preparedness" and we should be "more adult" when discussing the situation. She said it all with a straight back and straight face!! Twisted Bovine that she is! The Scottish one at least only buggered off to her second home, at least she didn't tell us to grow up! Where do they get these eejits from and what level of qualification of stupidity do you need to get such a job! Perhaps schools should now be doing topics or grades in stupidity!
Stay safe and avoid the stupids

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