the edge

What a crazy blessing to have this on our doorstep. We climbed the Nab and up to Coombes Edge but I can’t pretend the wind wasn’t biting, as idyllic as it looks. Once we’d arrived down to relative warmth having avoided hypothermia, we could all agree the jaunt was highly effective for blowing any cobwebs away.

Upon our return Miss Eve made dinner for her and her brothers - it was simple but she genuinely did it all herself. She’s getting to be quite the kitchen hand and it’s so lovely to see her beaming with pride when they eat what she’s prepared. This was the silver lining of my failure to get the lamb in the oven prior to our walk. And even better, Zeke shows signs of wanting to copy her.... a lot more supervision would be required though!

The children benefitted from some schoolwork today. We didn’t finish it as we were supposed to find a daffodil for Eve to dissect but there were none to be found. There’s always tomorrow.


1. The hilarity of Zeke setting up a home office with a closed door policy. That boy is endlessly amusing ;
2. Having a 3 day working week - I’m so grateful for time with the children - even though I have moments of thinking a bigger salary and more time in an office might be a quieter life;
3. A friend lending me some bamboo knitting needles. I really hate the feel of the plastic ones - no idea why - but forgot to order the right size wooden needles when I ordered some wool as a birthday treat.

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