Week 5 - Day 1 - pond life
It wasn’t a great work day. Perhaps I just hate Mondays...as the song goes. Especially when I am looking out of my window into the garden on a sunny day, but can’t get out there to do anything. I also had a headache, so that didn’t help. My work headset arrived in the post at lunchtime. We are expecting to be set up to receive telephone calls towards the end of the week, and will need these headsets to do so. I’m not looking forward to that! The best bit about working has been no phones. In my next life, I’m going to choose a profession where I don’t have to talk to people on the phone.
I finished later than I’d wanted to, because I had to get a case finished. I will give myself a lie in tomorrow and start later.
At 3pm I saw Jon stretching his legs with a short walk in the garden. So I went out to join him. Our pond we built from scratch exactly a year ago. We didn’t have any wildlife or pond life in it at that time, but we were excited to see frogs last week. So were hopeful of babies. Then at the weekend I spotted what I thought was frogspawn. Today, while showing Jon where the spawn is, he spotted a newt swimming and said perhaps it was newt spawn. I said it seemed to be in the pond weed and was a bit stringy. When we looked it up, it seems more likely that it is toad spawn. So I assume it was toads we saw last week. Later I told Henry about the newt who went out to have a look, and saw him straight away. The pond is full of leaves from last year, which we had meant to clean out and just didn’t get round to. But it seems they might have helped to attract a variety of pond life. We also saw a water boatman and I’ve seen various larvae so possibly damselflies or dragonflies. There will be a battle for life as they all hatch, as I know the dragonfly larvae are meat eaters and will happily eat the tadpoles. Anyway, so pleased at how successful our little pond project has become in just one year.
Drove in to Cromer at 5pm to post a parcel. It wouldn’t fit in the little postbox in our village. Still as quiet and empty as ever.
I guess I had better get going on my puzzle again. Mollie’s is complete, and sitting next to my very incomplete one - just proving she is the better puzzler!
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