Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1960. Sunlight through the tulips

Took this on our walk yesterday afternoon and I loved the way the tulips were lit up by the sunshine.

It was a beautiful day but still a cool wind and cooler than it should be for the time of year.

We are slowly moving forward with my step daughter and it would have been her hubby’s birthday today (20th) and he would have been 49 years old.  It still seems so unreal and she has a long way to go...

I read a friend’s blog today and in it she mentioned that she was frustrated and annoyed with some posts on Facebook from people making unhelpful statements or sharing stuff about the current situation.  It struck a chord with me as I have become increasingly fed up of some of my Facebook friends reposting or commenting on posts that ask others to share a statement about their behaviour in the current climate.  One that particularly annoyed me today was one along the lines of “share this if you haven’t been to anyone’s house or had anyone in your house who didn’t live there since lockdown”.  Now, on the surface this seems reasonable and it is expected that the majority of people will respect the “rules” of the lockdown.  But I wanted to shout out at them and say..”ok so what about those family members who may be so vulnerable that suicide caused by amongst other things excessive isolation is a real and tangible possibility?  These glib statements on Facebook do not take account of individual needs or circumstances and suicide rates have increased, what are family members supposed to do if their relatives are at risk alone?  Risk spreading the virus or risk their loved ones dying alone by their own hand?
I apologise if this post offends anyone but when someone in your family is experiencing suicidal ideation you move heaven and earth to help them when there is no-one else there to help them.  

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