Out of Focus...

...todays' MonoMonday theme. Thanks trisharooni for hosting! Tom & I drove to South Shore Park this morning to look for a blip. It's a beautiful, sunny day and while it's only 9:30 in the morning, we're supposed to hit a high of 57 degrees today (13.8 C), so it'll be a nice one! There was a guy fishing off one of the docks, so I took a few shots and was done. The beach is closed although the walking paths are open, but we didn't stay to walk as Tom felt there were too many people there. I saw 8 others in various spots, all far apart, but I agreed since he didn't feel comfortable, so we came back home. I'll go out and walk later, after we've eaten breakfast. Hope you all have a wonderful day, and stay safe!  :))

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