A Day in the Life
I went to bed last night knowing that the forecast was for rain. Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning and saw glorious sunshine! So I quickly got washed up, dressed, and out the door with my camera. It was blissfully quiet (ie. no humans) and the trees were lively with birds. Squirrels were also busy doing their thing.
Got to the hawks and saw Mrs sitting on the nest (extras). Did not see Mr initially but then heard him "meep meep", calling to his mate. He flew from one tree to another with breakfast. Called her for some time and she wasn't budging from the nest. He definitely spotted me (main blip - see breakfast beside him on the limb!). He continued looking up towards her and after awhile, flew with breakfast and stashed it before going up to guard the nest. So amazing to watch. She is so strong-willed!! Definitely rules the roost ;)
Left for the walk home as the dark clouds rolled in....pouring rain now. So thankful I got out early! Blip sorted!!
Hoping you are all having a restful Sunday!
D x
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