This morning I went on my walk to deliver bread & milk and prunes to Mrs R. That involved me walking through Braidburn Valley Park & Colinton Mains Park. Yay! But look what has popped up on all the seats......................... signs saying that the parks are for exercise only and one is not to stop to eat or drink. Less than two months ago this was the 'happy to chat' seat. How can the world have changed so drastically in less than two months?

Anyway we are very lucky because we have our own little outdoor space............... a tiny balcony, so once we got home Ann made breakfast and out she went for a few hours. It's been a beautiful day so she was quite happy to sit outside with her trashy magazines. And apart from a video chat with some friends, that's pretty much all she's done today. Cleaning out the kitchen cupboards is still on her 'to do' list but actually does it matter that the kitchen cupboards haven't been tidied out yet? No it doesn't.

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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