Return to the North

By Viking

Rob Roy Glacier

Today was bloody hot in Wanaka and so we had a lazy morning (mainly because of me being knackered after the drive from Milford yesterday) Anyways, lazy morning followed by a 'Really must get some exercise' comment. Was going to do waterfall creek walk along the shore but that would have been far too easy!!!!! So we drove right up into Mt Aspiring National park to the Rob Roy Glacier walk and did some of that instead. We didn't do it all
1) because we didn't set off until 1.30 ish and is advertised as a 1-2 hour walk
2) Neither of us had had any lunch
3) Not anticipating actually doing a hike both of us had worn trainers rather than hiking boots.

All those things considered we did walk 5km in 28 degrees+ and up hill
TeeJay ....... I went across a swingbridge woohoooooooooooooo

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