
By CreativeCarol

Few of my favorite things - Sunsets & Sandcast

This morning I wished I could have taken a photo of the view I had when I left my house at 6:30 in the morning. The sun was rising in the east and in the west a full moon. It was a very pretty drive to church! After an uplifting worship service, my husband and I took a 10 mile bike ride on the beach. It was gorgeous sunny day to be outside biking and seeing the ocean. Afterwards we celebrated my birthday again with our daughter, son-in law, and granddaughter at one of my favorite restaurants on the beach. After dinner it was sunset time, so I was thrilled to see the beautiful sunset. Of which I never get tired of seeing! I only had my point in shoot camera with me so the quality is not that great. But I thought the photo with the sandcastle, sunset and a seagull was a beautiful end to a very nice day.

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