The Life of Bri

By bri

Floor II

Took the morning off to send with Little Miss B - playing hide and seek in the new house and walking the dogs through the rapidly melting snow. Then off to the cinema to see 'Tinkerbell and the secret of the wings'

I went with very low expectations, so it was much better than I expected. But when are cinemas going to realise that little kids can't sit still for half an hour of ads and trailers before the main show?

The afternoon was work interspersed with more DIY - had finished the floor last night, so today was all about skirting boards - very time-consuming when nothing is quite as straight as you would like it to be...

Sadly I DIY like I cook - messily, and using every possible implement. Hopefully get a 'clean' photo later in the week before the furniture arrives.

Just back in from a late-night walk with the dogs in that amazing light to which I can never do justice in photos - a full moon at midnight on snowy fields, brighter than my torch, and clear skies that let you see for miles. Fab.

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