
By Cumbrialass

Friday ?

And the days merge into one. I m in danger of becoming reclusive.

M was feeling better today. ( today he said he just felt 'old' .. lol dont we all)

A usual morning..  pottering about. F continues to have a sixth sense when the postman is due, despite the fact he comes at a different time every day. He waits for him to come and has a good bark   but the postman has sussed him out and knows hes no danger.

Local walk.. Bridgegate because of the wide grass verges.. nicer for Fletch. Stopped and chatted to Dawn then home. 
My cousin had left a phone message so I gave her a call. It was nice to chat. She is doing amazingly well and it's hard to believe she is 90.

My friend from College called for a chat this afternoon and I'd another message from an old friend this evening. 

I finally mowed the lawn and ended up also chopping away a lot of ivy that was getting a bit carried away with itself. I hope the Green Bins will be emptied next week! 

I have enjoyed going through my photo archives for the colour collages. Today's 2 were purple and white. Tomorrow I should really go through my photos and delete . I seem  to have taken photos of the same places a lot.. 
If the wind drops tomorrow I'll be out with the new lens and the tripod. 
I could take photos inside, but still prefer to be outside when it's nice weather..

I ordered some flowers for my window boxes from a small local nursery . They wont be ready till mid May but thats fine and it will be nice to have something there rather than bare earth. 

Blip is of  Fletch  up on the banking by the old dock. Just round the corner from home and ok for his 'teatime walk ' and quiet then. There was quite a cold wind and my eyes were watering.. but that could be the hayfever.

Take care everyone.  I hope you are well and safe.xx

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