Ode to Joy

I stopped short of running out and genuflecting at the feet of the coal man and the recycling chaps before starting work this morning but I went out and thanked them heartily and then as the day went on I had an idea for 5 p.m. (extra). I wanted to join in https://www.nyo.org.uk/ode-to-joy but have no instrument to play and can’t remember how to play anyway! I’m even worse at singing. So, I faffed around with glasses and dishes of water on and off throughout the day and eventually managed to get roughly the right tones. It was interesting when I left them for a while and came back to experiment a bit more that the tones changed. I wondered if it was because the water was more oxygenated and went flatter as it was left for a while. It was all a bit tricky trying to video it and then I wasn’t sure where it was supposed to go so I tried to download it onto the twitter page but the site was jammed. Never mind it was great to have a go.

After all the excitement I finished off work stuff and went for a wander down to the river. Chilly old wind but wonderfully sharp light. Very relieved it’s Friday ... it’s felt like a really tiring week. I can’t quite believe it was only last weekend it was Easter. It feels like ages ago.

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