I know heinz tomato soup is not food-porn to most but right now, it is to me...and I’m having to really having to stop myself from wolfing all the food I’m given like mr fox. annoyingly I get full really quickly so by the time I reach my ice cream, not only has it melted but I can’t finish it. I’m practically growling at anyone that tries to take food away from me before I’m ready.
anyway, I feel stronger today. the iv nutrition is doing a good job and they’ve reduced my pain meds down a bit. all going well so far...in a tentative don’t want to jinx it fashion. I’ve been walking up and down the ward as much as possible too. spoke to all the fam today which was good. beefy sounded manic, need to get home and sort him out. he played scotland the brave on his guitar full blast in the garden at night to salute the nhs workers and carers, made me cry. it was good to hear the girls cheering at the end too. I watched masterchef but wasn’t so interested in puddings, disappointed to see claire go out too. final tomorrow. that greg wallace must have a damn good agent, how has he got that job?

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