All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan and his many cousins

Although Ethan sees a lot of his cousin, Eden, he doesn't see his cousins on hubbies side of the family very often.

So today we paid a visit to one of my sister- in-laws. Ethan was fair excited to be going over there. I thought I'd try to get a nice picture of them all but I think they were trying to do a silly faces photo instead! Never mind - it's good to get Ethan, Isla, Ellen, Cambell and Ramsey in the one photo.

We then took Ethan over to the Foreveryoungs, stayed for dinner, before hubbie and I left to go and see Les Miserables at the cinema. I lasted longer than I thought I would before welling up but even so at the end hubbie said "och you're not crying are you"?!?!

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