Working for home...
For the last 3 weeks, John has worked from home two days a week to allow me to work. His boss knows he is doing the childcare but he still spends lots on time on the phone and then makes his time up in the evenings and weekends. Its not ideal as there are times when he needs to concentrate on a call I am in the middle of some tax work. This is the reality of it - ipads and phones. Still needs must and it's not forever. I worked this evening too to get straight and so tomorrow can be all about the girls.
We got Ivy's school placement result this morning and was pleased to get our first choice despite it being out of catchment. Her two best friends also got in, and were also out of catchment, so a good result. She is very excited and we are talking lots about preparing for school. Mainly we are concentrating on personal skills such as dressing herself, going to the toilet on her own and so on. I've enjoyed reading up on uniforms, clubs and so on and thinking about how I will manage the school runs and work. I'd like to do as many as I can.
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