
By Missycat

Day 24 The lilac is in bloom

Another day of sunshine and clear blue skies, but with a chill in the air this morning.  Mr MC continued with the repainting of the utility room and I dusted and dysoned  the front room, stairs and what I could access of the hall and dining room: the contents of the utility room have spread far and wide!
This afternoon it was warm enough to sit out for a while and I spent a pleasant hour or two reading.  I've finished Pete May's Lockdown (which was action packed and a very good read) and am now on a Lisa Jewell novel, very different in tone and and content.
The lilacs have finally come into flower: about five years ago, all our lilacs seem to suffer from some sort of disease and would turn brown and die before they had really flowered but last year they came back  and now  seem healthy again.  I'm pleased to see them back as they are so pretty and the perfume is lovely.
Tomorrow there will be a COBRA meeting to decide how long the lockdown will continue: most assume that we'll be in for another three weeks.  There has been a great deal on the news today  about the plight of care homes, where deaths from covid-19 had not been included in the daily figures. My sympathies are with both the residents and the carers who must feel so vulnerable.

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