All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Misty Loch Craig

Woke up for the 2nd morning in a row to find mist everywhere. It's often misty in Livingston but clears as I travel along the M8 into Edinburgh, but not today. When I arrived at my work, the mist was slightly lighter but still heavy enough to block the usual fabulous view we have of the Pentland Hills. I liked the way you could see so many reflections in Loch Craig so took a few photos of that before I went into our building. It looks so quiet there compared to my usual lunchtime blips around the area - even the ducks and swans were nowhere to be seen!

Our team had decided to have a buffet at lunchtime, so whilst a couple of the guys went over to M&S to buy supplies, I nipped out for 10 minutes to see what else I could blip today. By now the mist had cleared and it was a gloriously sunny day. I was about to take a photo of our building reflected in one of the other Lochs when I heard a voice behind me ..... "Are you a blipper?" it asked? Uh oh! Caught in the act by Seventy Seven ! We'd established a few weeks ago that we worked in the same place, but had never met before, so it was nice to meet him and put a face to the name. And also very sociable of him to actually speak to me rather than blip me and ask questions on here later, which is probably what I'd have done if I'm honest!

No overtime tomorrow so looking forward to a full 2 day weekend. Hope you all have a good one!

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