On Day Twenty-two ‘tis clear ...

.. that Dr Ted’s deal is fair

Late afternoon walk along the full length of Ponsonby Road. As I was leaving the Three Lamps area on the way back, I stopped to look closely at the teddy bear in the shop window of a manufacturing jeweller. I'd seen the sign before, but only today did I look closely at Dr Ted. 

It had always seemed to me that it was a fair deal, and the past three weeks have confirmed that for me. Today the new cases (15), confirmed (6) and probable (9), fell to the lowest since 20 March, a week before we went into shutdown. As the number of new cases first fell significantly on 06 April (11 days after shutdown), it seems clear that blocking of transmission has occurred as a result of the lockdown. That is supported by the low proportion (2%) of confirmed community transmissions.

New Zealanders can be proud of how well we have abided by the restrictions.

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