The Wisteria Arbor

This wisteria has conquered a lot of setbacks.
It was supposed to grow like a tree, but then we built an arbor in front of it and tried to convince to trail over the top of the arbor.
It didn't really want to do either thing, and in any case it had a lot of growing to do before any part of it reached the top of the arbor.
The rodents that live in multitudes under the ground girdled the roots and the trench they made in the clay soil filled up with water and had to be drained. We were afraid the roots had rotted.
The matting we initially put on top of the arbor to create more shade had to be removed, which meant peeling back the vine which had finally begun to grow over the top of the arbor (and the matting).
It didn't bloom when we expected it to and we thought perhaps the rodents had eaten the roots.
But finally, after a dismal weekend of rain and drizzle, the sun has come out, it is finally warm enough to sit outside, the sky is spectacularly clear and blue, and we noticed that the wisteria not only has a lovely fragrance,  it is blooming.

We had almost forgotten that it its a white one....

In other news...we had such a wonderful conversation across the hemispheres with Walking Wombat on Zoom last night. Somewhat inarticulately, as we both fiddled with the controls, I blurted out, "I probably should have realized this, but you have an Aussie accent! " To which she responded, "and YOU have a Yankee accent" With those formalities out of the way we proceeded to have a wonderful and wide ranging conversation, although of course we had to talk quite a bit about our 'solitary confinement'. Amazing that even that is something that we have in common at such a distance. I'm sure WW will find plenty to keep her busy in her beautiful property in the Blue Mountains...and we will be talking about it again soon....

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