Cake in a cup

Thanks to those of you who prayed, Nate had a much better night last night. Ours was disturbed as at 2,30 there were flashing blue lights in our room - 5 police cars were parked outside and there were police running up and down the stairs in our building for about 30 minutes!! No clue what it was about, maybe a drugs raid?? All very odd! I woke up still very chesty but not feeling so unwell with it. 
The kids and I made these microwave cakes (we made one for D too, his was cooking as I snapped this pic) - chocolate cake with marshmallows (that's what's dribbled down the sides!) They definitely looked better than they tasted, but the kids enjoyed making them and didn't seem to notice that they weren't that good! 
Tonight was the Zoom prayer time for the 24-7 Ibiza work here in Ibiza Town, it fits into a week of prayer. So so soooo gorgeous to see some unexpected faces! And so encouraging to pray with people. Also encouraging to have various phone calls and messages afterwards, sharing things people had felt during the praying. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The kids dancing like mad things to the Beach Boys.
2) Tonight's prayer time.
3) A couple of really lovely video calls today.

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