Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Three walks Archie (Day 31)

Still a brisk breeze, especially chilly first thing in the morning. Or - not quite first thing - 9.30am when I took Archie to the Links. But the sun shone all day, though I wasn’t lured out to sit in it at any point.

JR did all her exercises, and took Archie a big walk while I fiddled with my new toy - an Apple Pencil. Not sure I’ll make much use of it, but I’m trading in JR’s old old iPad, so the pencil is effectively free.

Elizabeth brought some shopping for us, and took Archie out for a bonus walk. He must have walked miles today!

While he was out we popped to the vet to pick up Archie’s worming pills. Quite exciting - we went in the car! 

I see New Zealand MPs are taking a 20% pay cut, led by their inspiring PM. Wonder if our lot will do the same...

Photo by JR

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