A Walk on the Wild Side

Furlough Day 1 15.04.20

Bit of a sleepless night, so I got up late and just pottered around.  Watched Spring Harvest online - Pete Greig's Devotional was good - whilst I ate breakfast and did some more pottering around....

Lunchtime walk on the wildside quite literally by my local river.  This rather scruffy cygnet was there all alone - we don't normally see swans or cygnets on that river, so it was rather strange... and this was definitely odd - poor puss on railings between the river and a housing estate - I think she/he had been frightened there by a dog - there were a few dog walkers.  I was going to go round and see if I could encourage her down, when she leapt off and raced away thankfully!  Hope she's safe now.

Home and I've done some more pottering around basically doing nothing, then I've done a bit of gardening and some reading...

Tomorrow will be a better day, I just need to get my head straight and stop mopng...but its quite difficult - its so quiet...except for the noisy motorbike that woke me at 4am (belonging to a neighbour) :(  Not talking to anyone all day is hard.....

Another day closer to the end of May....

Happy Wednesday folks :)

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