Apple blossom time.

It is another lovely sunshiny morning.
I’m washing our bedroom curtains. First one now on the line.
I was in the garden early once again. The first line of an earlier wash-load is almost dry.
The bright sunlight is shining through pristine new leaves on the rowan tree. And there are one or two bumble bees among the unfurling apple blossom.
I am listening to a newscast for our on-line French Skype session next Monday. It is about the effects of social isolation on students who remain on campus at some of the Universities, and how they are managing being in lockdown, when confined to their small college rooms.
No social interaction allowed and none of the usual places to go to hangout.
A starling is sitting in the Liquid Amber maple next to the open summerhouse door, producing an array of whistles, whirrings, twitterings and occasional bursts of descending rapid notes. I love them.
When I lived at home in Rossendale, Lancashire, they used to congregate along the ridge tiles of the houses opposite, at dusk in early autumn. Sociable birds.
Sometimes if we had been into Manchester and set off for home in the early evening thousands of starlings would flock in to roost along window ledges of the grand buildings.
It was quite a sight and sound.
Like a mass of moving cloud.
This was different to the “murmurations” which occur in spring. I have seen two only and they were wonderful. We were on our way back from Bristol when I saw the first one. Stephen was driving as I watched from the passenger window as we travelled up the M5.
It’s now time to extract my second curtain from the washing machine before lunch.
A year ago today I was recovering at home after my 1st operation of the year. Sad watching the fire at Nôtre-Dame.

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