Day - lost count again! Back to School

5/6 of us were up and ready for work by 9. It was clearly a big struggle for The Boy who had gone almost nocturnal. Unfortunately he is having online lessons so his presence is required!!

Smallest started with PE then settled down to whatever else he needed to do with the assistance of MrRoly. With no work for him but a bit for me, we’re fully reversing roles and he is Chief Educator!

He took this title very seriously so cleared the kitchen table for Princess to do a test (under carefully invigilated exam conditions) then marked it for her. Meanwhile Eldest dozed and I worked!

After lunch a ride out to Barncoose with Eldest - she’s been deaf for over a week and had earache all weekend. As she’s registered with a GP in Cardiff, we had to go to the walk in clinic where they confirmed she has an infection in both ears!

A quiet evening this evening after some highjinks. Clearly having some intellectual stimulus has awakened The Boy’s brain so he was on fine but extremely irritating form!!

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