14042020 32nd Corona isolation day
We had some sunshine for a change. Which is nice as it's gonna rain tomorrow.
I was sitting outside taking some valuable vitamin D and reading a book. I was stoking my hair not knowingly and there was a hornet in my hair and it stung me. Right on my left ring finger. I ran inside (I'm allergic to bees and hornets) and took an antihistamine and put a cold pack on my finger. Jeez it hurt! My finger is still swollen and it's hard to do anything with my left hand as I can't really bend that finger. The hornet stung right at the area of the finger that is almost my palm (inside hand). Gosh I really can't explain these body parts in English.
Last time I was stung by a hornet was 5 years ago. I think as it's been so long since, I didn't get any bad reaction except to my finger. Last time I got stung I took some stronger meds and then waited with a phone in my hand if I needed to call an ambulance as it affected my breathing. This time I only got scared and got some pain.
My epoxy resin try outs from yesterday did not go well. I bought the color mixes from Amazon. I've now learned that some of the colors change when the mix dries. Like yesterday I used a pink, but it turned to ugly brown when in dried. The other colors were white and turquoise so added to an ugly brown doesn't really compute. Well, I tried again today and I'll see tomorrow if it goes better.
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