POG's Journal


Kelly Kettle…

Hi Everyone,

I had a day off from the garden yesterday and just loafed around… and a rather wonderful byproduct of it was having nothing to burn this morning, so I woke when I woke up (not said that for a while).

So, the plan is to venture out today for supplies as the shops were shut on Easter Sunday my normal shopping day (COVID-19 Normal shopping day).

Once home then back into the garden for some more snipping, I feel a little keener after my day off and would like to make progress this week as I have another little project I would like to start next week and hopefully I can drop gardening back to a semi maintenance activity whilst I get this new thing going.

Time will tell as always, I’m sure you know I’m a little flakey and do flit from one thing to another. I find that a bit strange as I was a strong advocate of completing things before moving onto the next with my teams at work… now I do the complete opposite – maybe it is a case of don’t do as I do, do as I tell you.

The photo is my Kelly Kettle I used to use at the allotment… I was quite surprised how clean it was; I must have scrubbed it up when letting the allotment go. Anyway, a good bit of kit that I don’t really have any use for. If you don’t know what a Kelly Kettle is this video will help.

Stay happy, strong and healthy… more tomorrow…


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