
By SadlerStar

300 steps down...eek! 300 back up again!!

Mr Casper pauses for breath on the way down to Petit Port Bay today. There are 300 VERY steep steps and it deters many people from venturing down but, it is probably the nicest beach in Guernsey.
He loves walking with Miss Daisy and the Flatcoats. You can see more pics of the dogs on Petit Port today in our BLIPFOLIO
It was another superb day with temperature this afternoon of 10°C but it was rather windy on the south coast.
No1 son painting the new baby's nursery in preparation but we all took time to take advantage of daylight and weather...I notice it was still fairly light after 5PM today!!
Hope you all have a lovely week and that any snow you might get does not cause too many problems.

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