The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Lockdown Day 20

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

This morning was the first time I’ve had that sinking feeling of Groundhog Day.

But then I realised that we have chocolate eggs and that made it all better!

One of The Eldest Mini Princess’s friends cycled round and delivered an egg with a little card to everyone in their posse which was very sweet. I know how much she misses her friends so it meant a lot (to all of them). That moment of knowing that someone has been thinking of you is such a hug for the heart. You can actually feel it in your chest.

I was telling The Eldest Mini Princess that I haven’t actually missed many people during lockdown. I know this will be short-lived and I will see them when it’s safer.

I am used to catching up with people I miss using technology. I wish I could see them at the end of lockdown.


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