Necessary Rations

These are, for the next week, my survival rations. I will have to be sparing with them as when we get out of lockdown, I want to get my body through the door.
Both goodies were given to me by the children so I don’t have to feel any guilt about having bought them myself............. but when they run out, I may have to self supply.

I have become a bit of a couch potato and TV addict during the times I used to be out and about. Because there is absolutely no one else to judge the state of the house, housework has taken a nose dive and standards have been slipping while my knitting needles click and I surf the channels.

There was no inclination to go out for exercise during the morning when the temperature was ‘feeling like -1°‘ and it was grey and cheerless. However when the sun eventually appeared 2pm I strode purposely round the environs and actually met 2 friends to speak to at a distance. I think this is the first face to face meeting in real life since before the weekend. Such is this new time in the life of Covid19.

Many of the young things though, seemed happy and blissfully unaware of any constraints on distancing as they sat in groups on the links in the sun. I have come to the conclusion that there is a percentage of idiots in the population that without a police state we just have to thole.

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