Brownies and Scrabble

I thought that I might do some gardening today, but when I stepped outside and saw the state of our borders after months of neglect, I couldn't face it. I really don't know where to start. In desperation I rang Paddy and he says that he will help me out next weekend - at a safe social distance, of course.

More successful were my cooking exploits - the chocolate brownies blipped, and roast chicken with potatoes, turnip and beetroot for dinner. Mr hazelh thrashed me in the latest game of the lockdown Scrabble tournament. Five games in and I am yet to win a game!

I was sad to hear of Tim Brooke-Taylor's death today. I supplied  him with one his best lines ever on I'm sorry I haven't a clue (really - Humph even mentioned my name on the show).

I've been listening to the Paradise podcast while exercising and cooking. When I started listening to it I didn't realise that my friend Rory is responsible for the sound production for the series. It's a very good, if rather gruesome, documentary.

It was good to catch up with a few people on the phone/Facetime today, including Winsford.

I have to say that I am not coping very well with lockdown. I miss my family and friends so much!

Exercise today: sit-ups, weights, and stretches.

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