Reasonably confident on this one, although confident that Maurice will put me right if I am wrong! In Grans front garden. In the middle of it. If we ever work out to move there then I will have to work out how to keep it. Before my dad died (1991 I think) they used to have a magnolia in their garden together. (and where I grew up). So special memories. A big gardening day today. I've planted a load of pansies and repotted 6 Acer's (a favourite of mine). By 1500 I was absolutely exhausted and having already done over 10000 steps decided not to do my usual walk. Am up to 12562 as I write this so quite respectable. Also I had dreadful leg cramps last night - a mixture probaby of not enough water and unusual exercise. have had 3 large mugs of tea today and 2 litres of lemonade (sugar free). Am now having a g&t. hope that doesn't undo all the good work.
I hope that you have all had a lovely Easter Sunday, whatever part of the world you are in and whatever your creed.
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