Northern Exposure

By Northern

The first adventure of Baldor Thunderstruck

Everyone in our family has at some point or other tried Dungeons and Dragons. Theoretically it should be right up our street, all being fans of fantasy, swords, dragons etc. However we’ve never really got to grips with it. One of us spectacularly so when he got thrown out of the school club for telling the others they were taking it all too seriously.

Inspired by MrSmith’s missus we decided that the Lockdown was a good opportunity to try it again. Campbell was given the challenge of being dungeon master and figuring out not only what we are all supposed to do but bringing the world to life. Have to say all that drama school training has come In useful, he did a great job. We decided to use some Lego figures to portray our characters and the scene which brought an air of lunacy to the proceedings, thus stopping any ‘you’re taking It too seriously’ criticism from the aforementioned subversive faction.

My character is a hill dwarf called Baldor Thunderstruck, that’s him driving the wagon behind the big green maggoty creature. A fine chap with good morals and a dab hand with a war hammer.

Consensus was that it was great fun, entertaining and we couldn’t believe 2 hours had just whizzed past. Our group was attacked by goblins in a ravine whilst on a journey to deliver supplies to a mine. Despite having faces pinned to shoulders by arrows, butt cheeks slashed and an embarrassing episode with goblin bodies being decapitated by one of our group who’d gone a bit doolally  (we had to knock him out and throw in the back of the wagon) we made it out alive and carried on our journey. We left our group enjoying a few bevvies around their campfire waiting for the next exciting episode....

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