Easter Sunday
Probably the strangest Easter Sunday many of us has spent.
We got a very nice Lindor egg and truffles from Rebecca and family, it was delivered earlier in the week and lmkept in the decontamination area ( spare room actually ) until l brought it out this morning.
Still l did have on my disposable blue gloves and wiped the box down with kitchen towel and disinfection spray before it could be put on display.
Honestly did anything like this remotely enter our heads this time last year ?
Still it adds to the entertainment for Mr P as he is confined to bed 24/7 and any change in routine brightens up his day.
Not sure what he makes of it all at times, not sure what l do if lm being honest.
Have come to realise l don’t much care for exercising inside on my own but l still do it , l do look out enviously at those lucky folk having their hour of exercise as they pass - Oh to be striding out and inhaling some fresh air.
Realise l am starting to sound as if l’m feeling sorry for myself, that won’t do, so many others now worrying about loved ones and not even able to visit them.
Pleased to hear our Prime Minister is out of hospital and will recuperate at Chequers.
Let’s hope lots more patients follow the same pattern and can come home.
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